A Tried & Testes DIY Summer Deodorant That Actually Works!

I’ve been DIYing many of my health and beauty products for quite some time now but one thing I kept putting off is deodorant because I really wasn’t sure it would work. So when I came across an easy recipe the other day and after seeing all those scary stuff about toxic ingredients in deodorant causing cancer and all, I decided to give this thang a try! It came out so well and works so effectively that I keep telling my sister (who also uses it) that it’s the best beauty product I’ve ever made! And she couldn’t agree more!
I ended up tweaking the original recipe a lot to come up with this recipe so it works perfectly for me. It smells refreshing, absorbs sweat, wards off pesky summer bugs, detoxifies your pits and won’t melt. The main deal with beeswax is that it helps keep DIY recipes solid without them melting, but I don’t like how it feels heavy on my skin, especially during hot sweaty summer days where I’m looking for non-greasy skin care products so that’s why I omitted it in this recipe. But even still, I store this homemade deodorant in a glass jar and it doesn’t melt. Maybe if you wanted to use it in a deodorant stick then you would have to either keep it in the refrigerator or add a little (like 1 tbsp) of beeswax.But if you don’t like beeswax, then follow this recipe to the dot and enjoy the benefits!

Now let’s look at why you should really make and use your own deodorant and avoid store bought ones below:

Why You Should Make Your Own Deodorant
Here are a few reasons why you should start making your own deodorant:

No nasty chemicals
It’s no news that store bought products contain so many chemicals including hidden harmful substances that are downright dangerous for your health. Take a long at the back of your store bought deodorant. Some of the unpronounceable ingredients are actually toxic and are known to be hormone disruptors as well! What nasties can be found in store bought deodorant? Take a look:

  • Parabens. If you see the word paraben (e.g. isobutylparaben, ethylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben, etc) in the ingredients list, watch out. Though only used as preservatives to prevent growth of mold in your deodorant, parabens are very harmful substances that have been shown to negatively affect the endocrine system and disrupt hormones.
  • Aluminum. You must have heard of how aluminum in deodorant is said to cause breast cancer. Although not much research has been put into this, one study shows that in women who applied antiperspirant deodorants and often shaved their pits, the age of breast cancer diagnosis was considerably higher than women who didn’t. Aluminum in deodorants block the sweat ducts to prevent excessive sweating but it is said to cause growth of breast cancer cells by mimicking estrogen.
  • Triclosan. Not just added to deodorants, triclosan (a pesticide) is also included in oral care products! This harmful ingredient, which is used as an antibacterial in store bought deodorants, has been shown to aggravate allergies, cause hormonal imbalance, cause inflammatory conditions and even increase unhealthy weight gain.
Only a few ingredients needed.The thing with making your own products is that you only need a handful of ingredients that work well. For preservatives, essential oils can be used as they are powerful anti-microbials and antioxidants as well. This homemade deodorant without beeswax contains just 4 ingredients as you’ll see below!

It’s super cheap & easy to make!
The ingredients you’re going to be using to make your own deodorant are probably in your house right now! And it barely takes five minutes to make.

No irritated pits!
Got itchy pits prone to red rashes? One word: fragrance. The artificial fragrances added to deodorants can wreck havoc on skin, trust me I know what I’m talking about. I once bought a beautiful bubble-gum scented soap only to breakout in painful acne. Avoid red itchy and painful skin bumps by making your own homemade deodorant!
A Tried & Testes DIY Summer Deodorant That Actually Works!

Homemade Deodorant without Beeswax


  • 4 tbsp coconut oil (where to get it)
  • 5 tbsp corn starch (where to get it)
  • 1 tbsp and 1 tsp baking soda (where to get it)
  • 20 drops lemon eucalyptus essential oil (where to get it)

What Each Ingredient Does
Baking soda & Corn starch – Absorb sweat and sebum on skin and neutralize stink.

Coconut oil– Anti-inflammatory, moisturizes skin, prevents skin irritation & rashes. It also keeps the deodorant a nice creamy but solid consistency as you can see in the picture.

Lemon eucalyptus essential oil – This essential oil smells like a milder version of citronella – wait, don’t get repelled (no pun intended lol)! The scent is not as strong and overpowering as citronella and you can definitely detect the sweet eucalyptus scent with a hint of lemon. It smells refreshing and cools your skin. Lemon eucalyptus gives this deodorant a refreshing and neutral scent for both men and women. Did you know that the scent of lemon eucalyptus is also a POWERFUL bug repellant?! While you’re being healthy and smelling fresh, why not keep away those pesky mosquitoes as well! If you use this essential oil for a summer deodorant you’ll be tackling so many issues at a go!


  • Combine all ingredients (except the essential oil) in a pan over a low flame.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon until everything melts.
  • Now let it cool off for about a minute then gently pour it into a GLASS jar. Do not use plastic because it’ll melt.
  • Add the lemon eucalyptus essential oil and stir well with a chopstick. You can use this small ball glass jar. It will get into a kind of creamy but more solid consistency that you can easily scoop out with your finger. I love this consistency.
  • Voila! It’s ready! Store at room temperature in a cool dark place. It lasts over 3 months!
  • To use, scoop out only a tiny pea sized amount using a clean fingertip and apply. Make sure to use clean and dry fingers – do not introduce water into the deodorant. This homemade deodorant has a good consistency that sinks right into your skin when you apply. Even if you have armpit hairs, you can still use it without any problems – it will not leave a trace like some store bought deodorants that are a chalky mess.


  • Does this help stop sweating? Sweating is normal and actually healthy for you: it helps keep the body stay cool and remove toxins from the body! Sweating also cleanses the skin pores, fights off certain germs and promotes a strong immune system. The only thing that makes sweating bad is the BO that follows and this deodorant will take care of that! It has a refreshing scent that masks bad body odor.
  • Will baking soda irritate my skin? I’ve seen recipes call for a LOT of baking soda like ½ cup (!!) which made my eyes pop. Using ½ cup of baking soda will burn your pits like hell! That’s why I only used 1 tbsp and 1 tsp in my recipe, which works and you won’t feel/ see any kind of irritation!
  • Can I use another essential oil? Sure thing! Customize the scent of your deodorant by adding a different essential oil! For a citrusy scent, go for bergamot while for a flowery scent, go for geranium! In place of lemon eucalyptus you can also use peppermint or eucalyptus, which have almost the same scents and properties.

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